Typing Tutor Game
City Line
The last object is our city blocks at the bottom of the screen.
I like to call it the cityline because we can draw it it as a contiguous line at the bottom of the screen.
And it is not neccesaary to keep track of every pixel of the line, we can just consider every 10 pixel block.
Let us create our blocks and city iterator and put it in a new script city.py. First our city line that will hold our city blocks in a list:
# city.py
import random
# Dimensions
FONTWIDTH = 9 # based on Consolas Bold 16 pt font size
class CityLine():
def __init__(self, screen_width):
self._len = int(screen_width / 10)
# Initialise city blocks
self.city_line = []
And our blocks will have randomly assigned building height, and a flag to indicate its presence or destroyed:
class Block:
def __init__(self, flag = True, height = 0):
self.flag = flag
self.height = height
def get_flag(self):
return self.flag
def get_height(self):
return self.height
We can then randomise the height of each block on initialise of CityLine:
class CityLine:
def __init__(self, screen_width):
self._len = int(screen_width / 10)
# Initialise city blocks
self.city_line = []
for i in range(self._len):
self.city_line.append(Block(height = random.randint(1,20)))
class Block:
def __init__(self, flag = True, height = 0):
self.flag = flag
self.height = height
def del_block(self):
self.flag = False
We set the last block to be false, so that we do not draw indifinitely, as each block we require start x and end x, which gives us n-1 blocks with cityline of n size.
Because our cityline consists of a list of objects, we need to build in our object an iterator to access each block.
class CityLine:
def __iter__(self):
return CityIterator(self.city_line)
def __len__(self):
return self._len
class CityIterator:
def __init__(self, city):
self.city = city
self.index = 0
def __next__(self):
block = self.city[self.index]
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration()
self.index += 1
return block
def __iter__(self):
return self
Remember our y boundary is 40 pixels from screen bottom. So we just need to create method for our game play to call whenever a word goes below the height of our city block.
So we need a method to remove the block/blocks that are hit :
class CityLine():
def del_blocks(self, start_x, str_len):
'''Delete associalted block that is hit by untyped words.'''
startidx = int((start_x - MARGINX) / 10)
endidx = startidx + int((FONTWIDTH * str_len) / 10)
if endidx >= self._len:
endidx = self.len - 1
for i in range(startidx, endidx+1):
And we need a method to check if all city blocks are destroyed:
def check_gameover(self):
'''Returns true if all blocks are destroyed'''
if all(block.get_flag() == False for block in self.city_line):
return True
return False
Render cityline
Now that we have our cityline object ready, we just need to add to our game objects:
# game objects.py
import string
import random
from word import Word
from city import CityLine
class GameObjects:
def __init__(self, screen_width, screen_height):
self.screen_width = screen_width
self.screen_height = screen_height
self.word_list = self.init_words()
self.game_words = []
self.bound_y = screen_height - 40
self.city_line = CityLine(screen_width)
And add to our draw method inside render()
in play.py:
# play.py
import pygame
from objects import GameObjects
# Colours R G B
BLUE = ( 0, 0, 128)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = ( 0, 200, 0)
BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
LIGHTBLUE = (135, 206, 235)
# Dimensions
def render(self):
'''Render surface'''
self.disp_surf.fill(BLUE) # Fill background
# set the words for display
for word in self.game_objects.game_words:
if word.typed_idx > -1:
typed_text = word.text[:word.typed_idx+1]
untyped_text = ' '*(word.typed_idx+1) + word.text[word.typed_idx+1:]
self.draw_word(untyped_text, WHITE, word.coord())
self.draw_word(typed_text, GREEN, word.coord())
self.draw_word(word.text, WHITE, word.coord())
# cityline
base_y = self.height - 30
start_x = MARGINX
start_y = base_y
for block in self.game_objects.city_line:
end_x = start_x + 10
end_y = base_y + block.get_height()
if block.get_flag():
pygame.draw.lines(self.disp_surf, LIGHTBLUE, False,
[(start_x,start_y), (start_x,end_y), (end_x,end_y)], 3)
start_y = end_y
start_x = end_x
# Blit everything to screen
self.screen.blit(self.disp_surf, (0,0))
Check collision
Where we check for words falling below the y boundary, we need to remove the corresponding city block, in objects.py
And add a check for gameover while we are editing objects.py.
# objects.py
def move(self, delta):
'''Returns Flags if word is removed and if it is in the middle of typing,
when it has moved beyond boundary Y
removed = False
removed_typing = False
for word in self.game_words:
if word.get_y() >= self.bound_y:
removed = True
if word.typed_idx >= 0:
removed_typing = True
self.city_line.del_blocks(word.get_x(), len(word))
return removed, removed_typing
def is_gameover(self):
return self.city_line.check_gameover()
And to link it up, we check for game over in play.py
# play.py
def loop(self):
'''Game play loop'''
if self.game_objects.is_gameover():
self.playing = False
# If moved beyond boundary Y
removed, removed_typing = self.game_objects.move(self.y_delta)
if removed_typing:
self.typing_flag = False
def add_word(self):
'''Add new word to drop from top'''
if self.game_objects.is_gameover():
# Check if valid to add
if not self.game_objects.game_words or (
(pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.last_add) > self.add_timeout):
if self.game_objects.add_word():
self.last_add = pygame.time.get_ticks()
Less Randomised Fun
In order to have a good game progression, we want to increase the chance of words dropping on available city blocks more often than empty blocks.
def add_word(self):
'''Add word to game play'''
# Check that word doesn't duplicate first character in list
word = self.get_word()
firstchar = [word.text[0] for word in self.game_words]
while word[0] in firstchar:
word = self.get_word()
# Get the list of city blocks still standing
avail_blocks = []
for idx, block in enumerate(self.city_line):
if block.get_flag() == True:
x_avail = random.choice(avail_blocks) * 10 + MARGINX
# Calculate the max of x position of word
max_x = (self.screen_width - MARGINX) - (FONTWIDTH * len(word))
# Some randomised fun
x = random.randint(MARGINX,max_x)
x = random.choice([x_avail, x])
x = min(x, max_x)
self.game_words.append(Word(word, x))
return True
def get_word(self):
'''Randomly select word from word list for game play'''
return random.choice(self.word_list)